Rule of commercial business vs Rule of gratitude

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Gratitude dimension works like magic because it comes from virtue.

But most people have been giving this dimension so little importance that our expressions are limited, so this dimension is shrinking and people nowadays simply answer «you're welcome» or «de nada» when these types of interaction find resolution which causes the effect of everything being sent to the dimension of subtext: invisible value, omitted expectations & many silent feelings only allowed to live in the minds of the people involved, because the etiquette can be tricky but the etiquette can be tricky in many other aspects of life! and justifying our lack of articulation with feelings of shame or cowardice or hesitation to use a wider range of expressions for this dimension is one of the main reasons why this dimension is shrinking and people rarely give value to gratitude.

What we must do is conquer more space for the dimension of gratitude and this mission can simply start by expanding our language which will eventually inspire ourselves and others to understand actions that need to be taken for societies to enjoy the benefits of this dimension again instead of leaving all spaces and dimensions for those who claim to be the owners of these spaces even if they don't shove it to your face with words you can easily look around and find those who portent higher authority & entitlement and obtain greater benefits by being articulated in the language of gratitude, like politicians & church leaders & school or university figures and others, but the point is not competing with them but developing greater articulation in this dimension so you can understand how to have a better relationship with, not only them, but yes them, and absolutely everyone around you.

«You're welcome» and «de nada» is not the same thing, «de nada» is «it was nothing» but what i'm saying is only scant amount of people use different expressions to paint accurate colours of gratitude. Those few people who use «it was nothing» as well as «my pleasure» and other expressions besides plain «you're welcome» all the stupid time, only those can appreciate better the nuances and meaning of saying «you're welcome» depending on the situation. Many times is like saying: i did it for you. Which doesn't remove expectations of gratitude but elevates the value of the celebrated moment by removing overzealous protagonisms… which, in fact, deserves gratitude; remember me at the least.

It's true, even if this sounds strange for many sensitive people, nowadays too many people say «you're welcome» same as if they were saying spanish «de nada» or 藛for nothing藛, because they already became distracted by numerical oriented value and currencies which are regarded as separate and above or untouchable by dimensions of quality. Money? yes, but also numerical measurements of fame or clout in the social networks that, in case anyone is wondering, they are totally false, i know because i already worked in a social network and my contract already expired too many years ago and i can tell you without any reserve that the numbers are fake in absolutely all cases in all social networks, it's currency that gets printed same as easy as the federal reserve prints money to stay artificially at the top of money authority dictating inflation to keep you chasing a more expensive house to keep you in check as a slave, which doesn't mean that all inflation is fake, of course is artificial since money is a good artifact and printing money accommodates the increment of population and helps regulate the balance of economic activities pushing in many directions, but this system is being abused. And in the case of social networks you don't even get money for putting effort in a system anymore, we print “likes” with a simple little program running all the time giving likes at our capricious whim, you pay to get them either with money or other currency, with your effort. We gave them for people who were friendly with our business for example but we still needed to find people who had real actual followers to join our app. So what is usually done to know if someone really has clout is to observe if they have active followers interacting and engaged with different amounts AND qualities of commitment, not bots or stans saying one-liners.

Same as… those huge numbers they tell you some application obtained by selling? they mean not a damn thing for the pockets of the founders, really, they were inflated from few millions to billions by the banks because this way the USA seems to be more rich than it is, the market appears to be doing better and they can keep fishing for ambitious or greedy people at the same time than the USA portrays themselves as if they were so incredibly rich beyond compare, so much so… that people start thinking they are unreachable & untouchable while they also keep moving this fake money for their own purposes because the only reason why the bankers agreed to inflate the numbers is to hide other operations, but they are in fact same as rich as any other nation, just as rich as the people's good will allows for continuous productivity instead of conflicts.

Qualities are more important than quantities
but everything touches and influences
the interwoven fabric of society. Period.

So in order to expand this dimension you should not shy away from expressing clearly the considerations that went into the formula when you did something that didn't have any money profits as goals but did it in the name of gratitude or honour or love or family or other things that don't get rewarded by money but still had cost, because simply saying the one single phrase that everyone is now saying «you're welcome» dismisses all the efforts & costs that went into place or had to be undertaken or sacrificed or spent or skipped or a huge deal of considerations that deserve at least a tiny amount of attention, a little hint that opens the door for understanding the agreements of gratitude.

For example, what i did was re-evaluating the type of relationship that i want to have with this or that circle and when i do things for family and receive a «thank you» i almost always answer with «gladly» because i want my family to know that almost all efforts i do for them i do it gladly because i love them, but all the decades i did stuff for them and didn't receive enough respect i was saying 藛it was nothing藛 but at the same time don't want to be putting too much pressure saying many different stuff. And it worked, they started to give me a silent blink that at first was a simple acknowledgement of hearing a different expression coming from one family member, they cannot argue against a «did it gladly» but now certainly they had to process the fact that i didn't say «it was nothing».

Saying «gladly» doesn't contradict my family's spirit of humbleness [which is followed as a strict rule] but also claims for space to breath, respect they weren't giving me. I always give them plenty of respect and credit wherever i am, for the big and for the huge things. It is perfectly common for anyone who gives me compliments to hear these answers 藛oh… you like my shoes? yeah my brother bought them for me藛, or when they ask for a miracle 藛you want real miracles? my father is the real miracle, he never hit me藛 …Salvadad had awful parents but didn't repeat their behaviour, they were so bad he escaped home when he was around 16 but he still finished highschool & college by himself and made a rule in our home to never mistreat us and he respected this rule even if that meant unpacking extreme anger against himself or displaying theatricalities; but better yet, he made a rule to always give preference to reasoning with his kids and even acting goofy to break the trains of thought, and i know he explicitly made the “rule of reason” as a conscious decision, spoken as condition upfront to his potential wife before getting married thanks to Lupimom's confession, because he never told me, he showed me. You want a miracle? become the miracle.

We say many different stuff with the rest of people because the spirits are different at each environment, if you use more words you give more contrast & colours to this dimension and this will definitely make people pay attention to the existence of this dimension which has higher political implications than commercial, in other words, a more nuanced language makes anything have higher relevancy or higher life. So in work we must choose a group of words that make sense with the work environment, and in school similarly, and at the street differently, etc. There's nothing wrong with answering «you owe me» when you need to educate people that things were costly and you expect whatever type of regard or consideration in return.

The rule of “it was nothing” is cool when you are surrounded by people who are perfectly capable at understanding it was definitely not nothing, but that is a confusing rule for most people, so don't go around romanticising your social circles because i promise you they will disappoint you. And as much as i would like to say “it's not their fault or your fault”, truth is… is EVERYONE'S fault. But we have the choice to turn this around. Starting now. Starting from the very moment anyone starts to use a more nuanced language to expand understanding. And anyone who gets offended by someone deviating from the simplistic limited phrases is failing to understand there's plenty of people out there who don't understand subtext or invisible value and everyone needs to be educated so we can enjoy a world that doesn't give priority to commercial transactions but still can respect your commercial transactions and all other dimensions of life in different ways that i've been teaching here & there.

You will easily see what i'm saying is good and useful when you test this in grounds where is already obvious that we don't do things for nothing, like romance, many people already do this. The first time i tested this, i was 15 years old and did something for a girl that i liked and she said 藛thank you藛 as any educated person would say by simple reflex or common feelings of obligation or whatever, but instead of answering 藛it was nothing藛 i said 藛for you? it was a pleasure藛 and she blushed & smiled… it was a simple way of flirting in this case and it worked, because she started to pay more attention and the following days became more intimate showing interesting in the possibility of being my girlfriend. In other occasions the reactions were different, in other occasions told my male classmates 藛you owe me藛 and they answered either with money or at least with higher respect, in few occasions they simply decided to not ask me for favours anymore. Others whom i preferred to treat similar to family got the good ole' 藛it was nothing藛 or 藛my pleasure藛 or yes 藛you owe me藛 too when feeling cheeky or educating them when they were going astray.

It doesn't always obtain the results you want but it ALWAYS works because it's good to set expectations correct, it destroys fake illusions or pretensions; then people have a choice, is like an invitation to speak a different language or modify the tone of a relationship, they can keep up with this vibe or dismiss it and nobody gets hurt and you simply go back to an uncompromising relationship without special favours, but you still must be clear when expecting something so nobody feels like they can get great efforts from you for nothing unless you really are doing it for nothing: like giving directions at the street to a stranger or passing the salt or passing the exam forward to the teacher and many actions that are simple protocol in the context you're submerged in. If by any chance you get something in return that's funny luck, there's many people out there who value gratitude in sensitive material ways but that's not what i mean, obtaining a tip is funny luck when a stranger values giving tips which is another good dimension of life, but even when you do things saying it was for nothing you always get something in return from God for your soul in automatic terms, helping strangers is good for the state of your soul, the fibres of your cord, and your good luck.

Rule of gratitude doesn't negate the rule of commercial business
and rule of commercial business doesn't cancel rule of gratitude.

So whenever i told the USA's department of Justice or Russia's kremlin: «pass the salt» or «pass the salsa»… what did you think it was?… similar to an irony which many people also fail to differentiate from SARCASM: an expression that puts silly attitudes into contrast with reality, often highlighting something ridiculous but also with other purposes like simply having a laugh. But in this case? making evident the dimension of gratitude with a highlighted absurdity is obviously meant to shove on their face the fact that they were the ones who put the contract out there offering money, and i didn't do it for nothing, i did it for Justice? yes! but the contract offered money so by not paying they became criminals themselves and sentence was pronounced. The clock is ticking. The clock is always ticking and certainly NEVER tick‑tack‑tocks in vain.

Sentence pronounced means every tick of the clock is important and if they cannot see it? i have to make sure that they see it with tremendous consequences by their negligence so all the obstacles blocking justice will be pushed aside with luxury of prejudice since justice doesn't care for excuses. Meaning, if the leadership is blocking the payment, this is why the leadership has been sent to hospitals for starving me, and to hell in some cases because they were corrupt sending killers to deal with me and other dirty strategies, so punishment coming from holy collections department will keep happening for them iteratively over & over unstoppable until there's zero department of corrupt justice and zero kremlin left so i can simply walk over there and take everything for God in the name of Justice and their countries will have a better governor chosen by God, like one of the royal kids they sent elsewhere to profit from them. Or… they will pay immediately. So we can obtain further justice and God can help the world more. And royals can keep enjoying their current lives. Don't tell me that you're gonna do something, do it. Fix your debts & repair all your sins. And then you are in good terms with God, which also brings benefits, nobody is in good terms with God with the goal of getting nothing. We all want to live, we all have needs, and we all want to live in a better world.

Like i said at the beginning, the general point of gratitude is not competing… but when there's a clear reason and clear brake of a contract and on top of that they aggravate you, then it becomes DUTY to make an example out of them. And, since holy sentence is always running, regardless of who is God, they will be the ones to decide if for them becoming an example means going to extinction & to hell, or atonement. So better wise up.

For anyone to get a better picture of why mission is so important, read Reyveroz's post.

To make you company, we take care of all types of business.
Kind regards. Jorge Arturo G贸mez Retamoza.
Founder and Captain.


***Read the previous post for bank details & context.***
Nov 23, 22:47 - Nov 24, 0:11:57忙0:42:234:43忙5:12:23忙5:58
